

Assess your level of personal care.

you’re going to get invaluable insights about how you see yourself.

 Self-Care Self-Assessment

Instructions: Please answer the following questions by selecting the option that best describes your usual practices or feelings. Be honest with yourself to get the most accurate assessment.

  1. Physical Activity: How often do you engage in physical activity that raises your heart rate for at least 30 minutes?

    • A) Daily

    • B) Several times a week

    • C) Once a week

    • D) Rarely or never

  2. Nutrition: How well do you manage to eat balanced meals that include a variety of nutrients?

    • A) I always eat balanced meals

    • B) I usually eat balanced meals

    • C) I sometimes eat balanced meals

    • D) I rarely eat balanced meals

  3. Sleep: How would you rate the quality and quantity of your sleep?

    • A) Excellent

    • B) Good

    • C) Fair

    • D) Poor

  4. Stress Management: How effectively do you manage stress in your life?

    • A) Very effectively

    • B) Somewhat effectively

    • C) Not very effectively

    • D) Not at all effectively

  5. Emotional Well-being: How often do you set aside time for activities that you enjoy and that make you feel good?

    • A) Daily

    • B) Several times a week

    • C) Occasionally

    • D) Rarely or never

  6. Social Connections: How satisfied are you with the quality of your relationships with friends and family?

    • A) Very satisfied

    • B) Somewhat satisfied

    • C) Somewhat dissatisfied

    • D) Very dissatisfied

  7. Self-compassion and Kindness: How often do you practice self-compassion or speak kindly to yourself in difficult times?

    • A) Always

    • B) Often

    • C) Sometimes

    • D) Rarely or never

  8. Mindfulness and Presence: How frequently do you engage in mindfulness practices (e.g., meditation, focused breathing)?

    • A) Daily

    • B) Several times a week

    • C) Occasionally

    • D) Rarely or never

  9. Personal Growth: How often do you invest time in learning new skills or knowledge for personal development?

    • A) Regularly

    • B) Often

    • C) Sometimes

    • D) Rarely or never

  10. Healthcare Maintenance: How proactive are you in seeking medical care when needed and in engaging in preventive health measures?

    • A) Very proactive

    • B) Somewhat proactive

    • C) Occasionally proactive

    • D) Rarely or never proactive

Scoring Legend

  • A) 4 points

  • B) 3 points

  • C) 2 points

  • D) 1 point

Total Score:

  • 35-40 points: Excellent self-care. You are highly attentive to your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Continue practicing these healthy habits.

  • 25-34 points: Good self-care. You generally take good care of yourself, though there may be some areas for improvement.

  • 15-24 points: Fair self-care. You have a basic level of self-care, but there are several areas where you could improve significantly.

  • 10-14 points: Needs improvement. It's important to prioritize your self-care more. Consider small, sustainable changes to enhance your well-being.

Remember, self-care is a personal journey, and what works for one person may not work for another. Use this assessment as a guide to reflect on your habits and consider where you might want to make changes.