

Assess your decision-making abilities.

you’re going to get invaluable insights about how you see yourself.

 Self-Assessment: Evaluating Your Ability to Make Good Decisions in a Timely Fashion

Instructions: Please answer the following questions honestly, choosing the option that best reflects your typical approach to decision-making. After completing the assessment, refer to the key below to interpret your ability to make good decisions in a timely manner.

  1. How do you typically handle making decisions when faced with a deadline? a) I procrastinate and feel overwhelmed, often making rushed decisions. b) I tend to delay making decisions until the last minute but can still make sound choices. c) I prioritize and plan ahead to ensure decisions are made well before the deadline. d) I efficiently make decisions without feeling rushed, even when deadlines are tight.

  2. When making decisions, how often do you consider potential consequences or outcomes? a) Rarely - I tend to make decisions based on impulse or immediate desires. b) Occasionally - I think about consequences but often prioritize other factors. c) Frequently - I carefully weigh the potential outcomes before making a decision. d) Always - I thoroughly consider consequences and their impact on all stakeholders involved.

  3. How well do you manage uncertainty or ambiguity when making decisions? a) Poorly - I struggle with uncertainty and often avoid making decisions when information is unclear. b) Somewhat - I can tolerate uncertainty to some extent but prefer clear answers. c) Moderately well - I'm comfortable with some level of ambiguity and can make decisions based on available information. d) Very well - I thrive in uncertain situations and can make informed decisions even with limited information.

  4. Do you seek input from others when faced with important decisions? a) No, I prefer to make decisions independently without input from others. b) Rarely - I only seek input when I'm unsure about a decision. c) Sometimes - I seek input from others, but I also trust my own judgment. d) Yes, regularly - I actively seek diverse perspectives to inform my decision-making process.

  5. How often do you experience analysis paralysis, where you struggle to make a decision due to overthinking? a) Frequently - I often get stuck in indecision, overanalyzing every option. b) Occasionally - I sometimes spend too much time deliberating but eventually make a decision. c) Rarely - I can quickly analyze options and make a choice without overthinking. d) Never - I efficiently assess options and make decisions without getting stuck in analysis paralysis.

  6. How do you handle making decisions under pressure or in high-stakes situations? a) Poorly - I become overwhelmed and struggle to think clearly, leading to poor decisions. b) Somewhat - I can make decisions under pressure, but my judgment may be affected. c) Moderately well - I stay calm under pressure and can make sound decisions in high-stakes situations. d) Very well - I thrive under pressure and can make effective decisions even in challenging circumstances.

  7. How often do you revisit and evaluate past decisions to learn from them? a) Never - I rarely reflect on past decisions or consider how they could be improved. b) Rarely - I occasionally think about past decisions but don't consistently learn from them. c) Sometimes - I reflect on past decisions and consider how I can apply lessons learned to future choices. d) Often - I regularly evaluate past decisions to identify areas for improvement and apply insights to future decision-making.

  8. How well do you trust your intuition or gut feelings when making decisions? a) Not at all - I disregard intuition and rely solely on logic or data. b) Somewhat - I consider intuition but prioritize rational analysis over gut feelings. c) Moderately well - I trust my intuition to some extent but also rely on logic and evidence. d) Completely - I trust my intuition and often find it to be a valuable guide in decision-making.

  9. How flexible are you in adapting your decisions based on new information or changing circumstances? a) Not flexible at all - I stick to my initial decision regardless of new information or circumstances. b) Somewhat flexible - I can adjust my decisions but may struggle to deviate from my original plan. c) Moderately flexible - I'm open to adjusting decisions based on new information or changes but may require some time to adapt. d) Very flexible - I quickly adapt my decisions based on new information or changing circumstances without hesitation.

  10. How confident are you in your ability to make good decisions overall? a) Not confident at all - I doubt my decision-making abilities and often second-guess myself. b) Somewhat confident - I have moments of self-doubt but generally trust my judgment. c) Moderately confident - I trust my decision-making abilities but acknowledge there's always room for improvement. d) Very confident - I have a high level of confidence in my decision-making skills and trust my judgment in most situations.


  • Mostly a's: Your ability to make good decisions in a timely manner may be limited, and there may be significant room for improvement. Consider exploring strategies for managing uncertainty, seeking input from others, and learning from past decisions to enhance your decision-making skills.

  • Mostly b's: You have some ability to make good decisions in a timely manner, but there's room for improvement. Focus on strategies such as seeking input from others, trusting your intuition, and staying flexible in your approach to decision-making.

  • Mostly c's: You demonstrate a moderate level of ability to make good decisions in a timely manner, but there's still room for growth. Continue practicing strategies such as considering consequences, seeking input from others, and reflecting on past decisions to further develop your decision-making skills.

  • Mostly d's: Congratulations! You have a high level of ability to make good decisions in a timely manner. Keep up the good work by continuing to trust your intuition, seeking diverse perspectives, and staying adaptable in your decision-making approach.