YOu were meant to be.

Discover you!

We are a personal wellness brand

WE focus on the aspect of wellness that pertains to loving yourself.

Our motto

You are beautiful!

Everyone is different. It is their difference that makes them beautiful. This is one of our deepest beliefs that all people are beautiful no matter their race, background, gender, or any other way that they can be described. You are beautiful! We are driven to share this with everyone we meet.

Our Tagline

endless discovery

 This is more than a tagline to us. It’s a constant reminder of the limitless potential that we all have. There is more to all us than meets the eye. Exploring and discovering all that is there will take a lifetime.

Our story

 Our story is simple. We started looking for ways to encourage and support people to be their best selves. On the way, we found that so many didn’t have a measure, model, or idea of what that could be because they didn’t even know who they were. We were so blessed to have the LORD shine a light on how we could help people discover and embrace their identities. We’ve been helping ever since. All over the world, we have been able to share these insights, inspiring, coaching, and counseling people. Our model is simple. bring insights, inspiration, and innovation to those looking to grow, improve, or change.

 Our purpose

WE exist to teach the world How to love itself.

Our philosophy+message

 We believe that every human being has intrinsic value. Everyone is valuable and deserving of dignity and respect as a human being. We often let the fact that we are different from one another mean that everyone doesn’t deserve the same amount of regard and consideration, leading to mistreatment and disrespect of one another.

It is our differences that make us who we are. Our differences are what we have to give to the world. It is what makes the world beautiful. It is what makes us beautiful! The more we know and understand ourselves, the better choices we can make. We can make choices that align with who we are and who we are becoming. We will live more fulfilled and meaningful lives.

Rightly understanding and embracing our differences gives us a deeper sense of self, worth, and confidence. It also gives us a better understanding of our purpose in life. So many more possibilities open up for us because we see the world differently.

Therefore, our message is to be true to who you are. Discover as much as you can about yourself and use those insights to plot a course toward what fulfills and gives meaning to you. Design a life based on who you are. Make decisions that allow you to thrive and not just merely exist. You have one wild and precious life. What are you going to do with it? Dare to be different. Dare to be you. You are beautiful; you make the world beautiful just by being you.

Auburn Harris, Founder of Discover You!

OUr Mission

We train people to love themselves.

 What we do.

We craft discovery & learning experiences that transform the way people see+feel about themselves.

How we do it.

We coach people to discover and understand their unique designs and apply those insights in every area of their lives.

We use our deep insights about intrinsic motivational design and its many applications to help each person see and appreciate their unique makeup. embracing a mindset that honors all people's differences and sees them as beautiful and valuable. developing their capacities for impacting the world and accomplishing their goals and dreams. identifying their unique capacities and strategizing ways to make them their competencies. Aligning their lives

our results

The more you love yourself the more you have for others.

Loving yourself starts with embracing your intrinsic value. this is done before you discover anything about yourself or have done any work on yourself. You have value by virtue that you exist and you are. What you have to offer is valuable. Your unique expressions, concerns, and capacities are valuable. You were designed with purpose on purpose. You matter. You are a big deal, not because of what you have or what you have done but because you ARE.

discover your unique design

We have unique tools and insights to help you begin your quest to discover who you are and what you can do.

Learn about yourself

Our learning resources and experiences have been crafted to give you all the insights you need to

make your mark

Our learning and coaching resources are geared toward helping you use your abilities and skills to make a difference in your world and life.

develop your life skills

Our coaching experiences were created to help you grow and develop your life skills and mindsets.

Integrate the insights

Our coaching will also prepare you to integrate your new insights and skills into your everyday life. This is where the transformation happens.

Align your unique approach with your work.

celebrate your difference

We will come alongside you to help you learn how to celebrate your difference and the difference you are making.

 YOu are no accident.

You were designed on purpose with a purpose.

Our vision

 We see a beautiful world starting to shine with the beauty of all its people.

Our Values

 Honor All


Therefore, we are committed to honoring all people all the time, everywhere.  

This doesn't mean we agree with all people, all the time, everywhere, but we will respect and honor them because we love people. 

Difference as a Strength.


Therefore, we are committed to creating cultures, communities, and companies that include people from all types of backgrounds, races, beliefs, and abilities, starting with ours.

We are building a workplace and world that allows for everyone to be a part.

Together, we are more.


Therefore, we are committed to harnessing the power of teamwork and collective thinking to achieve higher levels of creativity and productivity. 

We are creating a model for doing life and work together.

Courage to Change


Therefore, we are committed to evolving and staying relevant to provide cutting-edge products and services that will meet today's demands with tomorrow's needs in sight.  

We are evolving with every interaction and every experience, becoming our best selves. 

Make the World Better.


Therefore, we are committed to beautifying the world by being who we were designed to be and encouraging others to be who they were intended to be.  

We are using our talents, skills, and resources as a force for good in the world.

Life Long Learning


Therefore, we are committed to looking under every rock to see what is there.  

We are explorers, discovering and learning about life and all the wonderful things that are a part of it. 

Find your Joy.


Therefore, we are committed to helping people find what truly fulfills them and gives meaning to their lives.

We exist to help people find their joy and live in it.

Our Promise

We are committed to providing the highest quality learning + coaching products. We will provide you with unmatched professionalism and integrity. One of our most important values is honoring all. This isn’t just a statement it is our approach to every interaction. from the online community to our concept stores. to our events and our coaching sessions. We are committed to walking in honor to all.

All of our products come with a money-back guarantee.*

 Meet our Leaders

Auburn Harris

Founder + Creator of Discover You!

Sandrina Harris

CEO of Discover You!

Meet the Team

We have a fantastic team of explorers.  We classify ourselves as explorers, exploring and discovering one of the most vast areas on the planet, human potential, and motivation.  We desire to design, create, and deploy excellent tools and resources to help the world discover and develop its potential.  We believe each person's contribution of self makes the world beautiful.  We are a community of designers, builders, doers, and developers living and working in a creative cove.  A creative cove is a place etched out to unite curious minds and creatively hungry explorers and doers to work collaboratively.  We have given our lives to help each person realize and experience the satisfaction of being and doing what they were designed and created to be and do.  Each team member is integral to what makes us who we are.  

  connect with us.